Tuesday, June 28, 2016


We try to get a few walls done each evening after work.
(front door)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Framing Walls

Framing the walls of the first floor began today.  We got 11 walls built and put into place!

Lots of helpers today raising the walls.  Booths, Waltons, and Grandpa Grow, and Grandma Grow photographed us.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


All the TJI's and rimboard are now in place.  Tomorrow we will finish up the blocking.

Crawl Space Insulation

We hired a company to come do the 2" crawl space insulation.  It was a matter of, buying the insulation was almost the same cost as hiring this company to come install it.  Sometimes the products are hard to find, and therefore, cost more to do it yourself.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

TJI layout

Today was spent doing the floor joist layout, and carrying a bunch of TJI's into place...  We were rained out on 3 separate occassions.  Rare for Utah to get hail and downpours like this in June!

Just to make it known that it is possible, a man and woman were able to carry and put these all into place.  Some were 40' in length.   They look heavy, but it was more awkward than heavy.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Pony Walls

The pony walls in the crawl space have begun and were finished today.  These were not fun.  It wasn't as simple as building walls ontop of the footings, unfortunately.  The footing/foundation guys don't go to a lot of effort to make these footings level.  There are dips, and as you build the pony walls, you really have to go to great effort to make sure they are level with your mud sill around the perimeter of the home.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Foundation Drain

I never want to shovel gravel again in my life.
Today we as a family put in the foundation drain.  Since we have piles of dirt around the perimeter of the house, there was no way to get a tractor around the house to dump gravel.  This meant, we shoveled 5 gallon buckets of gravel...and dumped them on the 4" foundation drain pipe.

Based on my calculations we shoveled 300 buckets full.
Which is 15,000 pounds.
Which is about 2/3 of a dump truck full.
Scott carried ev ery single bucket.

It took us 6 full hours.  It was so much work.  So so so much work.  We are pooped.