Saturday, May 28, 2016

Foundation Drain

I never want to shovel gravel again in my life.
Today we as a family put in the foundation drain.  Since we have piles of dirt around the perimeter of the house, there was no way to get a tractor around the house to dump gravel.  This meant, we shoveled 5 gallon buckets of gravel...and dumped them on the 4" foundation drain pipe.

Based on my calculations we shoveled 300 buckets full.
Which is 15,000 pounds.
Which is about 2/3 of a dump truck full.
Scott carried ev ery single bucket.

It took us 6 full hours.  It was so much work.  So so so much work.  We are pooped.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Foundation Forms

Foundation forms going up today. Inspection tomorrow morning, pouring walls tomorrow afternoon.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Back to the county to get a revision on our elevation.  We were going to be a little "low" in the ground, so I had to get permission to raise our TOW (foundation height).  All stamped...ready to continue.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Septic Delivery

 1750 gallon septic - which is ginormous.  
No idea why the county required such a large tank.