Friday, June 19, 2015

Driveway - the beginnings

In order to build the shop / garage, we needed to put our driveway in.  It's been good to be able to start work on all these little things for the house.  If we didn't have approval for the shop, we would need to wait until we have approval for the house before beginning our driveway.

Our really nice friend that's an excavator let us borrow his mini excavator for the trench and for the driveway.  Wow.  Saved us thousands of dollars.

First we had marked out where the driveway was to run.
Next Scott began removing the organic layer (which is the grass and little bit of the roots).
He then scooped out another 8" or so of topsoil.

Beck and Scott on the excavator

Scott woke up this morning early (5:30am) and finished excavating the driveway.
The loads of 6-8" cobble began arriving around noon.

We needed 6 truckloads (each truckload held approximately 13 tons).

Next up will be the road base and gravel.

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