Monday, June 8, 2015

Silt Fencing

Before you can start any construction, you're required to put up a sediment control.  We basically had the option of straw wattle, or silt fencing.  

The straw wattle is a simpler process as you simply pound stakes into the ground so there's no daylight beneath the straw roll.  The issue I discovered was - hello?!  It's SO expensive!

I got on our local classified ads (love the KSL classifieds) to see if anyone was selling the straw or the silt fencing.  Coincidentally enough, I found an ad for silt fencing: 
Brand new - 100' rolls for $10 - in the city 3 miles up the road.  
I texted the guy and we met at Ken's Kash the next morning.  Ha ha ha.  We both started laughing as we saw eachother - we go to church together.  :)  

(the straw wattle would've ended up costing us around $1200, instead we paid $50)

We used the trench digger on the tractor to dig down about 8".
We then pounded the silt stakes into the ground.
It was a lot of work, but thankfully it was pretty cool weather, and we didn't hit many river rocks.

A few days later the boys had the job of backfilling the silt fence.  I was out of town, but they were sure to send me a picture of how dirty they got doing that job.  :)

The county engineer came out and inspected the silt fencing and passed it, so on to the next project...

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